Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bay Bridge to go Above and Beyond

In an article found at Core77 about an obsolete reconstruction designs (to say the least) of San Francisco's Bay Bridge. So first I started by refreshing my word bank.

OBSOLETE: –verb (used with object)

to make obsolete by replacing with something newer or better; antiquate. Automation has obsoleted many factory workers.

The utilization of this theoretical bridge would surely make modern bridges obsolete. At least in major

cities such as San Francisco, which has been on the cusp of cultural revolutions for decades. If you can handle your fear of heights, this is prime
real estate. Ideas like this are absolutely mindblowing when it comes to the
speed of technology and innovation. Aside from our cityscapes learning how to adapt to these seemingly
nearly approaching novelties, societies will have to adapt to the reality of suspended
housing, indoor farms, and the likes.

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